The team redesigned the arrival space — opting for a central square with a simple linear design approach, which would allow for a diverse spatial experience. Deviating from the originally tree-lined square, this new space is more comfortable and enriching and better meets the current needs of office workers. Employees can engage in conversations, team building activities, lunch breaks and other various leisure activities here.
The team also removed lower-level plantings, opening up sightlines to create a fresh and elegant image for bio HILL that showcases the rich terraced plantings. Added water features symbolize the flowing elements of life and its continuous and delicate nature offers visitors a refreshing and lively first impression.
Layered plantings and seating areas form spaces for brief stops and discussions outside the office, while exquisite lighting showcases the details of the design.
The layers of terraces and plants also help create a seamless transition for the emergency entrances and exits and the surrounding area.
We chose durable materials to update the planting area and recreate the matrix plaza in a simple and elegant linear style, while retaining the native trees in the area.
Combining operational needs with the corporate brand image, low walls and plants were used to create an elegant secondary entrance space.
“我们与东久新宜集团的携手合作,让这片商业物业全面更新、重新复兴。作为该项目的项目总监,我对场地内已有资源的首要关注点在于:如何充分利用场地的既有特质,例如如何保护树木、在景观设计中回收再利用场地内元素。”AECOM景观设计执行总监Lee Parks在回忆设计过程中再利用设计的重要性时如此说道。
Reshaping the value of unused spaces
In urban renewal projects, the innovative transformation of inactive spaces and unused materials is important in reusing resources and reducing carbon emissions.
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