Meticulous planning and design are required to renew the existing urban areas in the “inventory era,” a time when we seek to make the most of what existing development we already have. AECOM’s recent work on the bio HILL project in Shanghai has shown how a well-planned landscape renewal for an industry park can rejuvenate a space put into operation 10 years ago. With a natural, open and modern look, we aimed to create a space that is visually appealing and fits into the corporate environment.
生命元山(bio HILL)是上海“大虹桥生命科学创新中心”重点项目之一,位于虹桥临空经济园区,西邻上海虹桥国际枢纽,北近苏州河。但是各项配套设施和环境品质存在着严重的问题,比如整体形象破旧,缺乏品牌标识性;绿化以传统绿篱为主,单调乏味;空间失活,休憩停留空间缺失等。
bio HILL is one of the key projects of the "Greater Hong Qiao Life Science Innovation Center" in Shanghai. It’s adjacent to the Shanghai Hongqiao International Hub to the west and close to the Suzhou River to the north. However, both the supporting facilities and the overall environment are facing problems, including poor brand image and a lack of clear brand identification. Traditional hedges dominating the greenery make the area feel dated and dull, and many spaces are underutilized for resting and social interactions.
Based on the strategy of "micro renewal, delicate enhancement," the AECOM team sought to design a public space that enhances its ecological resilience and natural environment. The goal is to create a high-end, vibrant and nature-friendly life science industry park that contributes to the overall development of the life and health industry in Changning District.
1. 如何因地制宜焕新现状园区,展现国际化生命科学企业园区品牌新形象?
2. 如何融合可持续设计理念,活化场地内闲置空间,营造更多舒适松弛的休憩空间?
3. 如何对接生命科学园区主题,打造健康促进、自然绿意的亲自然办公环境?
The AECOM team considered the following questions when approaching this project:
1. How can we rejuvenate the existing site and showcase a new international image for the life science industry park based on current conditions?
2. How can we integrate sustainable design concepts, activate inactive spaces, and create more comfortable and relaxing leisure spaces?
3. How can we integrate the theme of the life science industry park and bring nature to an office environment and promote healthy living?
基于此,项目团队经过现场调研,调查问卷等方式,从功能、形象、动线、植被等四个方面展开分析,制定针对性景观更新设计策略,焕活一系列消极空间,营造契合 “bio HILL生命元山” 、富有生命力的亲自然低碳办公场所。参与项目的AECOM项目景观设计师于梦元分享道,“我们希望通过建筑与景观之间一体化的融合设计,焕新场域精神,鼓励后疫情时代的打工人多走出办公室,享受与自然、与人的相处 。”
Based on this, the project team conducted on-site investigations and surveys. The analysis focused on four aspects: functionality, brand image, traffic flow and planting. They developed specific design strategies to rejuvenate a series of inactive spaces, creating a vibrant and natural low-carbon office environment that aligns with the brand image of bio HILL. "We hope to renew the spirit of the site through integrated design between architecture and landscape, encouraging employees in the post-pandemic era to spend more time outside of the office, enjoying nature and social interactions," shared Mengyuan Yu, Project Landscape Designer at AECOM.
设计团队提出三大目标让园区重新焕发活力和生机,提供多元的创意交流空间和自然疗愈场所:1 界面形象的重塑、2 废弃资源的重生 、3 多样自然的重现 。
The design team proposed three major goals to revitalize the industry park and create diverse public spaces and natural healing areas: reshape the interface, reuse resources, and revive biodiversity.
Reshaping the interface
In order to transition from a traditional office area into a life science industry park, the project team proposed an upgrade to the building interface to revitalize the park's brand image and enhance the arrival experience.
The team redesigned the arrival space — opting for a central square with a simple linear design approach, which would allow for a diverse spatial experience. Deviating from the originally tree-lined square, this new space is more comfortable and enriching and better meets the current needs of office workers. Employees can engage in conversations, team building activities, lunch breaks and other various leisure activities here.
The team also removed lower-level plantings, opening up sightlines to create a fresh and elegant image for bio HILL that showcases the rich terraced plantings. Added water features symbolize the flowing elements of life and its continuous and delicate nature offers visitors a refreshing and lively first impression.
Layered plantings and seating areas form spaces for brief stops and discussions outside the office, while exquisite lighting showcases the details of the design.
The layers of terraces and plants also help create a seamless transition for the emergency entrances and exits and the surrounding area.
We chose durable materials to update the planting area and recreate the matrix plaza in a simple and elegant linear style, while retaining the native trees in the area.
Combining operational needs with the corporate brand image, low walls and plants were used to create an elegant secondary entrance space.
“我们与东久新宜集团的携手合作,让这片商业物业全面更新、重新复兴。作为该项目的项目总监,我对场地内已有资源的首要关注点在于:如何充分利用场地的既有特质,例如如何保护树木、在景观设计中回收再利用场地内元素。”AECOM景观设计执行总监Lee Parks在回忆设计过程中再利用设计的重要性时如此说道。
Reshaping the value of unused spaces
In urban renewal projects, the innovative transformation of inactive spaces and unused materials is important in reusing resources and reducing carbon emissions.
"In collaboration with DNE Group, we managed to rejuvenate this commercial property to its full potential,” said Lee Parks, Executive Director of Landscape Design at AECOM. “As the project director, my primary focus on the site's existing resources was how to fully leverage the site's inherent characteristics by protecting trees and recycling existing elements in the new design" he added, emphasizing the importance of reusing materials in the design process.
在得知建筑大堂将进行拆改后,我们提出将拆除下来的石材回收,在景观改造中再利用。 最终石材重现于园路铺装和景观家具中,这让废弃材料有了新生命,成就全新优美环境。
Upon learning that the building lobby would undergo renovation, we proposed to recycle the dismantled stones in the landscape. Ultimately, the stones were reincorporated into the walkway and landscape furniture, giving the abandoned material a new life and creating a brand-new beautiful environment.
Faced with unused parking lot spaces and fragmented corner areas, the team redesigned them as pocket gardens with social and leisure functions, creating green spaces that prioritize social experience. Here, people can stroll, rest, or enjoy social interactions surrounded by nature.
"In the context of this project's renovation, we aimed to maximize the potential of spaces by targeting and reshaping the originally inactive and inaccessible spaces into engaging social areas, creating a warm and touchable workspace landscape area," said Yu Hai, Associate Director of Landscape at AECOM. "Furthermore, in a time when disasters happen a lot, we advocate for nature-based solutions, abandoning conventional hedge planting techniques and using a mix of perennial flowers to create low-maintenance, long-lasting floral landscapes. This not only creates rich seasonal changes but also helps enhance biodiversity in the surrounding environment."
The remaining materials on site were reclaimed and recycled as part of new gabion structures designed to support ecological niche habitats for nature. On the one hand it becomes a feature wall providing space for insects and plants, on the other hand, it portrays a transformation and commitment to enhancing vitality and renewal.
In order to meet this vision, the project team conducted a comprehensive investigation and evaluation of the existing trees and shrubs on the site. The original tree species with steady growth were retained in situ, which totaled about 320 trees. About 234 trees were transplanted and some 32 new trees were added. In adjusting the lower layer plants to align with the overall style, we created a natural, multi-level, low-maintenance and long-lasting flower landscape, which not only provides employees with a relaxing and healthy working environment, but also reduces the cost of long-term maintenance, reflecting the concept of the life science industry park to explore the harmonious coexistence of nature and life.
By evaluating the current situation of the site and considering the genuine needs of its users, AECOM reviewed and planned the reuse of existing resources, providing a low-cost, nature-friendly industry park solution for the renewal and transformation of the bio HILL project. We hope that by reshaping the ecological environment, we can rebuild people's connection with nature in their daily work, recreate diverse experiences in public spaces, and create a vibrant and lively environment for the future-oriented life science industry park.
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