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修复与赋能 巫山县建平乡青台市集
来源: | 作者:编辑部 | 发布时间: 2025-02-28 | 324 次浏览 | 分享到:

In view of this, the architect, after discussing with the local government and villagers, decided to build a market in the quarry area at the village entrance to resolve the above conflicts.




06 市场根据地形有多个标高 The market has multiple elevations based on the terrain 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

市场根据地形有多个标高 The market has multiple elevations based on the terrain 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

07 售卖区 Sales area 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

售卖区 Sales area 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

08 使用中的市集 Market in use 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

使用中的市集 Market in use 摄影:DONG 建筑影像


09 村民售卖土特产品 Villagers sell local specialty products in the market 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

村民售卖土特产品 Villagers sell local specialty products in the market 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

10 休闲区 Leisure area 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

休闲区 Leisure area 摄影:DONG 建筑影像


11 石壁成为建筑的一部分 The cliff becomes a part of the building 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

石壁成为建筑的一部分 The cliff becomes a part of the building 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

12 休闲区平台与石壁相互咬合The leisure area platform and the stone wall interlock with each other 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

休闲区平台与石壁相互咬合The leisure area platform and the stone wall interlock with each other 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

13 火塘区域 Fire pit area 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

火塘区域 Fire pit area 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

14 火塘可用于聚会 Fire pit can be used for gatherings 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

火塘可用于聚会 Fire pit can be used for gatherings 摄影:DONG 建筑影像


Design Concept: Practical Romance

The decision to build a market in the quarry area is based on the following considerations: First, land in the village is scarce, and utilizing the quarry avoids occupying farmland or villagers’ privately owned land. Second, the quarry is located just outside the village entrance, making it an ideal location for a market that can integrate with a future parking lot while also serving as a landmark for the village entrance. Third, the market helps repair the “ecological scars” left by quarrying, restoring greenery to the site. 

  • 浙景杭协



