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修复与赋能 巫山县建平乡青台市集
来源: | 作者:编辑部 | 发布时间: 2025-02-28 | 325 次浏览 | 分享到:






16 青台市集鸟瞰 Bird's view of market 摄影:DONG 建筑影像.jpg

青台市集鸟瞰 Bird's view of market 摄影:DONG 建筑影像

Conclusion and Reflection:

Wushan is a traditional tourist county, with world-class attractions such as the Wuxia Gorge and Goddess Peak. However, as tourism and visitor experiences evolve, the gap between traditional tourist models and current visitor demands has become increasingly evident. The benefits brought by tourists are quickly diminishing. At the same time, rural construction, closely tied to the scenic areas, is facing challenges. Villagers have not gained sufficient benefits from the  tourism industries, and their economic situation remains poor. How can we create a connection between the tourism industry and rural development? How can we upgrade visitor experiences while providing tangible benefits to the local community? These are urgent questions that need to be addressed.

The Qingtai Market presents a light, practical solution that meets the needs of villagers for selling goods, and provides a space for tourists to rest and interact, all while cleverly restoring the ecological scars left by the quarry. Though the project is small in scale and limited in cost, the architects hope it can “punch above its weight”, empowering Qingtai Village and serving as a starting point for the integration of tourism and rural development in the region.


总图 Site plan © 三文建筑3andwich Design.jpg

△总图 Site plan © 三文建筑3andwich Design

平面图 GF plan © 三文建筑3andwich Design.jpg
△平面图 GF plan © 三文建筑3andwich Design

立面图 Elevation © 三文建筑3andwich Design.jpg

△立面图 Elevation © 三文建筑3andwich Design
剖面-1 Section-1 © 三文建筑3andwich Design.jpg
△剖面-1 Section-1 © 三文建筑3andwich Design

剖面-2 Section-2 © 三文建筑3andwich Design.jpg

△剖面-2 Section-2 © 三文建筑3andwich Design

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